Learning to Float: Embracing the Art of Going with the Flow
While embracing the act of going with the flow encourages flexibility and openness, it is important to remember that this approach does not mean giving up on your goals or ambitions. Pursuing your dreams with intention and determination is vital, but allowing room for change, unexpected opportunities, and growth along the way can lead to a more fulfilling and balanced journey.
Image Credit: Paramount Pictures
Learning to float is the first thing you are taught when you are learning to swim. It is the basis of swimming and I think it should be a foundational course of life as well. Going with the flow refers to adopting a more relaxed and flexible approach, where you allow life to unfold naturally without trying to exert too much control. It can be applied to all areas of life and involves being open to new experiences, embracing spontaneity, and being less attached to specific outcomes.
A typical timeline for a person in this world is to go to school and/ or get a job, meet someone, marry, have kids, buy a house, retire. It is years of information drummed into our ears of a correct path, a specific outcome…a cycle that we are all following that we don’t know who started. It creates the need for us to have so much control of the steps we have in life which inadvertently leads to stress and anxiety when we are made to deviate from our well directed paths, or when we receive different results from what we expected originally.
In learning how to go with the flow, the first thing that I had to realize was that the universe did not in fact hate me and want to see me fail. Going with the flow invites us to trust in the process of life. It teaches us that everything unfolds in divine timing. By cultivating trust, we let go of fear and resistance. We learn to surrender to the grander plan of the universe, knowing that we are guided and supported on our unique path.
Going with the flow helps us release the need for control and surrender to the present moment. When we surrender to the present moment, we awaken to the richness of our experiences. By letting go of regrets about the past and worries about the future, we find liberation in the here and now, and by relinquishing our attachment to specific outcomes, we find a sense of inner peace and tranquility. We create space for synchronicities and unexpected joys to enter our lives when we release rigid expectations and remain open to new experiences.
Going with the flow is not an act of passivity but a conscious decision to dance with the rhythm of life. True growth and transformation often emerge when we step out of our comfort zones and embrace the unknown. This is when we are provided with the opportunities to evolve, learn, and expand. It encourages us to let go of limiting beliefs, embrace new perspectives and allows us to embark on a journey of self-discovery and uncover our fullest potential.
Remember that life is a journey, not a destination. Allow yourself to let go sometimes, release your fears, and surrender to the currents. Allow yourself the freedom to float, adapt, and dance through the beauty of life's symphony. May you discover the profound magic that lies in embracing the flow and allow it to guide you toward a life filled with authenticity, serenity, and boundless possibilities. You are worth it.
Best of luck bbs!