TGLM SMART Goals Worksheet

Set Your SMART Goals and Manifest Your Best Year Yet!

Step 1: Define Your Goal

What do you want to achieve? (Be specific!)

Step 2: Make It SMART

S - Specific

What exactly do you want to accomplish?

M - Measurable

How will you track progress and measure success?

A - Achievable

Is this goal realistic? What resources or skills do you need?

R - Relevant

How does this goal align with your bigger vision?

T - Time-Bound

What is your deadline? Set a clear timeframe.

Step 3: Break It Down into Actionable Steps

What are the small steps you need to take to reach your goal?

Step 4: Identify Potential Challenges & Solutions

What obstacles might come up? How will you overcome them?

Step 5: Accountability & Motivation

Who can support and hold you accountable?

How will you stay motivated? (Affirmations, rewards, tracking progress, etc.)

Final Step: Commit & Take Action!

Write a personal commitment statement:
“I commit to achieving my goal of ________________ by ________________. I will stay focused, take action, and trust the process.”

Sign Here: _________________________ Date: ____________


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